Various diseases can cause pain in hands/fingers and feet. Some of the causes include

  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes mellitus – If the disease has been present for a very long time or blood glucose levels are more than normal range.
  • Fibromyalgia,
  • Post-injury – Chronic pain develops if there is lack of healing.
  • Chemotherapy – as a side effect of some chemotherapy drugs include neuropathy
  • Compression of the nerve at wrist joint or ankle joint (carpal tunnel, tarsal tunnel)
  • Certain infections
  • Peripheral Vascular disease – damage to the blood vessels due to chronic smoking or some coagulation disorders
  • Certain vitamin deficiencies like Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6.

If the nerves in the hand and feet are affected, then presenting symptoms are – pain, decreased sensation, or increased sensitivity to touch, burning sensation.

Treatment is directed toward finding the cause of the pain and other symptoms. The targeted therapy is given to correct the cause. To a certain extent, damage can be reversed if the cause is found in time.

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