Trigeminal Neuralgia : Pain in facial region is felt due to compression of nerve in the head. It feels like dental pain. Pain starts with small activities like chewing, brushing, washing the face, cold air. Pain is intermittent, last for few seconds and happens many times in a day.

Cluster headache : when pain is in either half of the face along with nasal stuffiness, redness of the eyes, tearing. Severity could vary from many episodes in a day to few in a week.

Chronic Migraine : If you have pain in one or both side of the head and feels like throbbing or pressure like along with nausea/vomiting, then it may be migraine. Sometimes pain increases with sound or smell.

Occipital Neuralgia : Pain in the back of the head, radiating to the front. If left untreated, it could be associated with numbness in the back of the head too.

Above discussed pain usually doesn’t respond to regular analgesics (painkiller) medicine and require nerve medicine in right dosage. Pain, which is resistant to medications, can be effectively and safely treated by minor procedures which include Nerve blocks, Botox injection. Another treatment method is RFA (radiofrequency ablation) technology which ablate the specific pain fibres and hence effective for long term.

These procedures are usually safe and can be done on day care basis.

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