How do we help patients?

Most procedures need only day care admission.
If the procedures help with your pain, then we will start tapering off the pain killers gradually.
Usually, 1-3 sittings are required depending on the chronicity of the problem.
It depends on the procedure. Usual nerve blocks cost less and RFA cost little higher. Almost all procedures are covered under CGHS/ECHS panel and insurances.
Taking long term medications can be associated with side effects like gastritis, damage to kidneys, liver, and drug toxicity. Also, taking the pain medications can make your body develop tolerance. This means you will keep needing more medication to get the same effect. The procedures are targeted to the root cause of pain and hence decrease in requirement of medications.
Most procedures are safe as they are done under image guidance. Minor side effects include tenderness or mild soreness at the injection site. Application of ice pack at the injection site usually helps with this symptom. Most patients feel better in 2-3 days after the procedure.
We do it under local anaesthesia which means the area where needle is placed will be numbed before.
Daily pain can be very debilitating. Smart way to manage pain is finding out the cause of the pain and hence its treatment. Once pain is relieved, then you are advised to do certain exercises which prevent the recurrence.
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