Osteoporosis: Risk factors, prevention & treatment II कमजोर हड्डियाँ: रोकथाम और उपचारI

Pain Management
Osteoporosis literally means fragile bones. This is a disease of older age group. With increase in life expectancy, there has been increase in the incidence of this disease. Signs and Symptoms of the disease
  1. Bony fracture: sometimes this is the presenting symptom of osteoporosis. Due to weak bones, one might get bony fracture, even just with trivial trauma.
  2. Loss of height/Stooping posture: due to weak bones and associated degeneration of disc

  3. Osteoporosis
  4. Low back pain: that could be due to collapsed vertebra.

  5. Osteoporosis
  6. Shortness of breath: because of degenerated or collapsed vertebral bodies and disc, lung capacity is affected
RISK Factors for osteoporosis
  1. Elderly Age group
  2. Post-menopausal – because of rapid bone loss due to hormonal changes
  3. Metastatic bone Cancers
  4. Health status at young age
  5. Comorbid illness – Multiple Myeloma, Cancers which spread to bone
BMD – Bone mineral density test
Steps for prevention
  1. Adequate intake of Calcium: Milk and milk products, green leafy vegetable.
  2. Adequate level of Vitamin D: Sunlight, supplements
  3. Weight bearing Exercises: brisk walking, jogging, weight lifting (only as tolerated)
  4. Quit Smoking
  5. Taking care of health starting at young age
  6. Assisted walking
  7. Careful with medications causing sedation or dizziness
Treatment (dose and frequency only after consultation with specialist)
  1. Calcium and Vitamin Supplements
  2. Bisphosphonates
  3. Calcitonin
  4. Recombinant human Parathyroid hormone

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