It is the latest technology, which includes heating the pain transmitting fibres of the nerve. Heating up the nerve fibres blocks the pain transmission, hence giving good pain relief. It provides longer pain relief than any conventional pain injections. It is a minimally invasive treatment. There is no general anaesthesia involved, you should be able to return home same day after the treatment. This treatment provides relief up to 1-2 years or could be more depending on the site of the ablation. We may be able to decrease pain killers if this treatment works on you. Once you get a good pain relief, this is the time to do physical therapy, strengthening exercises to make the stronger and more balanced body. This will also reduce future pain issues.

Ailments for which this treatment is helpful – Trigeminal Neuralgia, Cluster headache, headache, Neck pain, Low back pain, Knee Osteoarthritis, Chest wall pain.
There are no long-term side effects. You may feel soreness or slight pain at the site of injection for 24- 48 hrs and ice pack at the injection site and 2-3 days pain killers are good enough to take care of that.

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