Tips Joint Pain in Winters

Tips Joint Pain in Winters
Pain Management
  1. Keep your surroundings/indoors warm and cozy.
  2. After getting up in the morning, make it a habit of following an exercise routine for half an hour to 1 hour at least. This will increase the blood supply to the joints and decrease in pain. This will also strengthen the surrounding muscles and making the joints over all stronger and healthy over long term. It also decreases the muscle stiffness, hence increasing the joint mobility. You should include only those exercises which are safe for your age and it doesn’t cause too much discomfort.
  3. If you are taking 3 meals a day, then replace 1 meal with fruits/fruit platter especially breakfast. This will bring lot of nourishment to the body in form of natural vitamins and minerals. Always include seasonal and locally available fruits in your diet.
  4. Sit in the sun for an hour in the morning. Take the benefit of the early morning sun rays to increase vitamin D levels and strengthen your bones
  5. Keep yourself well hydrated by lukewarm water or herbal tea. Warm water can sooth aching muscle and joints
  6. Heating pads to the joints also help in relieving the pain. But avoid the long-term use of heating pad as it damages the overlying skin. Make sure the water in heating pad is not too hot.

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